Earth Signs: June 2022 (Taurus, Capricorn & Virgo)

Pepi Valderrama
3 min readJun 5, 2022

Welcome to a general reading for June 2022 for the fabulous Earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. General readings are for everyone, so just take what tunes with you and leave the rest.

Taurus — Your Success begins this month

Taurus — Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle

Beloved Taurus, your success begins this month! You’ve been working for a long time and there seemed to be no results that you could see. This months things will get faster (eight of wands) and you might even make a trip (literal one). You’re going to start a speedy success that will start bringing you some cash in. However, you don’t need to stop right there. The Page of Swords tells us that you need to see things also from a different perspective and try or study new things.

For example, if you have been working for a long time writing a book and you have just self-publish it, you will start seeing some results during June. However, if you want to make of it a bestseller, you need to study different ways to promote it. (You get the picture).

It’s also a time to enjoy the success achieved until now. It’s time to sit down for a bit and enjoy your journey. You’re in the right track. Don’t stop now!

Capricorn — Time to get out of your head and allow yourself to get inspired!

Capricorn — Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle

You need a rest (Four of Swords) from too much thinking (Queen of Swords) and allow some inspiration in your life! (Knight of Wands). You have the opportunity to have the world in your hands (Two of Wands), but don’t expect anything to happen if you don’t take action! So, take yourself out of your head and start living a bit more in the world allowing inspiration to touch you.

Overthinking isn’t good for creativity and you’ve been stalled for a while now. For example, if you are thinking too much about starting a project, stop overthinking right away. It’s time to start seeing it in the real world. For that, you’ll need to research some stuff to make it happen (Two of Wands), but without overthinking. (Use the internet as the girl in the Two of…



Pepi Valderrama

I’m an inspirational and motivational life coach and author who is passionate about helping you become the best version of yourself.