Will AI Replace Gen Z? Insights from Recent Employment Trends

Pepi Valderrama
3 min readApr 28, 2024


Is AI going to replace Gen Z? A recent study reveals a concerning trend: a significant number of Gen Z employees are at risk of being laid off and replaced by AI technologies. This development not only shows the shifting priorities in skillsets desired by employers but also reveals the urgent need for adaptation and reskilling among younger workers.

The Rise of AI and Its Impact on Gen Z Employment

Artificial intelligence is transforming industries and job roles, pushing companies to prioritize tech-savviness and adaptability in their hiring practices. According to a study conducted by Intelligent.com, an alarming 78% of hiring managers in the U.S. reported that their companies plan to lay off employees as AI technologies become increasingly capable of performing tasks traditionally handled by human workers. This trend is particularly stark for Gen Z workers, who are often the newest entrants into the workforce and typically occupy roles that are more susceptible to automation, such as data entry, customer service, and other information-related tasks.

The Shift in Employer Preferences

The integration of AI into business operations is not just about replacing jobs but transforming them. Employers are increasingly valuing practical AI skills over traditional educational credentials. A related survey highlighted that half of the business leaders considered experience with AI tools like ChatGPT more valuable than a college degree, particularly for entry-level positions. This shift suggests a growing emphasis on practical, technology-driven skillsets that can immediately impact productivity and innovation in the workplace.

Challenges for Gen Z Workers

For Gen Z, the digital natives, the challenge is twofold. On one hand, their familiarity with technology positions them advantageously for the transition towards more AI-integrated roles. On the other hand, the very roles that provide them with entry points into industries are the ones most threatened by AI advancements. The rapid pace of technological change means that the skills they acquire may quickly become obsolete unless continuously updated.

Strategic Responses to the AI Shift

Organizations and educational institutions are recognizing the need for ongoing learning and adaptation. Companies like Accenture and JPMorgan Chase are investing heavily in training their workforce in AI competencies, emphasizing the importance of being able to work alongside AI effectively. For individuals, particularly recent graduates and Gen Z workers, engaging in self-directed learning and seeking out formal education in AI and machine learning can enhance employability and resilience against job displacement.

The Role of Continuous Learning and Adaptability

The ability to learn and adapt is becoming a critical skill in its own right. As noted by experts, the future of work will demand a mindset of continuous education, where the acquisition of new skills is a constant process. For Gen Z, this means adopting a proactive approach to learning, seeking out opportunities to develop AI skills, and staying informed about the technological trends shaping their industries.

Opportunities Amidst Challenges

Despite the risks of job displacement, AI also offers new career opportunities. Emerging roles in AI governance, AI ethics, machine learning, and data analysis are creating new pathways for those who can merge technical skills with strategic thinking. Furthermore, AI literacy can empower workers to automate routine aspects of their roles, freeing up time for more complex and creative tasks.

Don’t Be Left Behind!

You Lost Your Job. Now What? Surviving the AI Shift” provides a roadmap for those directly impacted by AI-related job disruptions. It also offers valuable insights for anyone looking to understand the future of work in an increasingly automated world. This book encourages readers to look beyond their immediate fears and to see AI as an opportunity to enhance their careers and workplaces.

If you need more guidance, get Enhance Your Resume With AI — The Guide now. It’s packed with prompting techniques and examples, best practices, and more!



Pepi Valderrama

I’m an inspirational and motivational life coach and author who is passionate about helping you become the best version of yourself.